INKTOBER day 2- Mindless
Here is a very wordy text about my second day of Inktober. You're welcome!
Inktober 2019
Second day, second word: Mindless
I still struggled with motivation, inspiration and the actual drawing on the second day. Would it’ve been an ordinary day I wouldn’t have drawn anything. I probably wouldn’t have made anything creative at all.
Even if it’s still early in the challenge; I feel like my finished drawings are punished by the time constraints and exhaustion on my side. I’m not quite happy with them. Not at all. I feel like they lack depth and the nuance I quiet like in the acrylic paintings I make with the same motifs and style. That’s probaby why I wouldn’t use watercolor and ink before, it’s difficult and not as easy as it seems, yo.
So my conclusion after two days is that this challenge probably is perfect for me. I’m pushing myself, venturing out of my comfort zone, sharpening a very dull skill of mine- inking and I actually finish a drawing in a short amount of time. Usually the acrylic cantenkerous cat paintings take hours and several sittings even if they’re sort of in a ”simple” style and technique.
Last but not least. It’s good practise for me to publish and upload something even if I’m not happy with it.
About the painting itself: The work station was pretty much set up already, so this night set up was was faster. I did end up switching from the cheap and soft paper so a much fancier one, thicker and smoother. It hurt a little bit to ”waste” the paper, I’ve been very careful about when to use it. But really, waste in art is to not use your supplies.
The tape still ripped some of the surface of but the end result was much better than day 1. I layed on too heavy backround colors and decided not to paint the cantenkerous cat white this time. (yes I use white watercolor..) Because I was tired and I didn’t want to risk bleeding even if it felt dry. I concentrated on the inking some more on day 2. I had already made up my mind about a couple of alternative designs during the day. I had a clear plan of what I was going for.
The swirly semi-psychadelic pattern is something I usually draw with an ink pen. But I wanted to practise with the ink and brush. I’m happy with the crisp lines made between the tape and watercolor and I’m glad the chalk and pencil markings didnt show through the paint and ink.

Allow me to rant some about that Wednesday I suffered through. I woke up tired, sort of early, somewhere when between 06.00 and 06.30 in the morning. Rushed out the door and had a slow morning before work started. Somewhat sleep deprived from the night before, when the challenge kept me up working at my desk. Work is slow and I’m starting to feel the pain. Combined with the fall weather, my workout routine and the sleep deprivation; I lost all color in my face, joints and muscles aching, vision going blurry and a queazy feeling of nausea. I was almost convinced I was sick for real. I decided I needed a nap during my lunch break. So I found a quiet corner and soft place reserved for staff and closed my eyes. I didn’t fall asleep, it was something in between, but next time I opened my eyes half an hour had passed by.
During the afternoon I slowly thawed and came back to life. Managed to go to the gym, made it through a semi heavy workout. Had a nice dinner back home and some rest on the couch. Snuggled up in cozyness with pillows and a warm comforter.
Had I been sick-sick I probably would’ve skipped the challenge and went straight to bed. But I perservered and came out on the other side. Actually an hour earlier than the night before. So I was in bed well before the witching hours. I know this can vary depending on where you live and your cultur but where I’m from the witching hours starts at midnight.
Want to follow me and see if I actually can complete the challenge? Follow me on Instagram. That's where I'll publish in real time. Follow this blog the read my wordy posts. Take a look at my website.
'Til next time, take care!
- Nicnevine