Inktober 2019
Third day, third word: Bait
I was sort of kind of looking forward to drawing on the third day. I had already decided on a design weeks before. However it was a bit difficult to get started. Some procrastination took place before I sat down. Even easier today because I had pretty much everything I needed on my desk. Sketched the design and took a break to cook dinner. Dug out my cheap lighting-pad (?) and traced the design on the fancy paper.
I realised that in order for this drawing to work I would need to play with light and shadows. Another thing I try to avoid because I’m not comfortable with it. Half way through the painting I feel like I’m in a nice creative flow. I don’t feel as shaky and the problems I encountered on the other two drawings doesn’t seem so.. problematic on this painting. Maybe I learned some good lessons about myself and the art techniques I usually try to avoid.
So what have I learned so far?
· Use the paper suitable for the task
· Avoid using chalk for tracing. Even if it is inconvenient to dig out the lighting-pad
· Use less pigment in the brush you think is necessary, from the start atleast
· The hairdryer is, sometimes, an artists best friend
· Use the hairdryer to break the adhesive bond between the tape and paper
· It’s OK to upload something even if you’re not completely satisfied with it